Tattoo Designs and Meanings Of Tarot Cards || AstroLekha

Have you ever thought about having a Tarot card tattoo? Tarot and tattoos share a special similarity in that both are deeply personal, enjoyable experiences. There may be one in the 78-card Tarot deck that particularly resonates with your life journey and would look fantastic as a tattoo because it touches on all the major themes in the human experience.

Tarot card tattoo

Here, we'll discuss the meaning of a Tarot card tattoo and go through some concepts that might serve as inspiration for you.


The Purpose of a Tarot Card Tattoo

Tarot Cards lead you on a path of self-discovery that strengthens your relationship and understanding with yourself. Tarot is a personal discipline that pushes you to let go of inhibitions and show off your best self. Naturally, as you travel through this trip, you will discover which cards hold special meaning for you. It's possible that a specific symbol speaks to your intuition. a playing card that inspires you creatively or stands for something you believe in. Perhaps one makes you think of a personal quality you're proud of.

Or a much loved one of yours. Perhaps you have a card that inspires you to persevere under trying circumstances. an inspiration that helps you resolve difficulties. Heck, you might adore the illustration on one of the cards and want to see it constantly. For whatever reason, you might end up wanting a tattoo of it.

There is no right or incorrect response since the meaning a card holds for you is unique. It might be a deep relationship or just something fun. If you want, get a tattoo of the complete deck. (And if you can, send us a photo; we'd love to see it!) The idea that Tarot card tattoos cause you to draw more of the things the cards stand for into your life is particularly intriguing.


The Fool

Simply put, the Fool is a symbol of fresh starts. He has confidence in himself, the sun is shining, and he is generally upbeat about the future. A Fool Tarot card tattoo serves as a constant reminder to preserve hope for the future and to remember that it is never too late to become the person you want to be.

It's Magician

Numerous symbolisms in The Magician make for fantastic tattoos. The lemniscate (the symbol for infinity) over his head denotes his limitless potential, and the symbols of the four suits on the table demonstrate that he possesses all the necessary tools to fulfill his wish. Of course, these are wonderful reminders of your potential to carry with you.

The Empress (or the Emperor)

The two of these Your feminine power and poise can be highlighted by an Empress Tarot Card tattoo (or an Emperor Tarot card tattoo can highlight these characteristics in a masculine sense)

The Chariot

Getting a tattoo of the Chariot Tarot card will make it clear to everyone that you mean business! The theme of this no-BS major arcana card is moving forward. You can overcome any barriers in your path because of the chariot's energy.

Tarot card tattoo

Hanged man

The Hanged Man is one of the Tarot cards with the most profound connotations, though many of them do. It illustrates the strength of giving up. Not giving up, but letting go instead of submitting. Simply abide in the bliss of the current moment rather than storing fears for the future or opposition to your existing condition. We might all benefit from being reminded of the concepts the hanging guy stands for in today's hurried world.

The Devil

Try as you might, we won't believe you if you say you don't want at least a little bit of edge in your tattoo. The devil uses several seductive and potent metaphors.

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